To threaten with bulletin 2002-2003, TOEFL test was proficiency test , the meaning of TOEFL test used to measure English capacity for someone without hooked the way of direct with educated process. So, TOEFL was different with achievment test, the neaning of achievment test that veil test the limit of ingredient that student had the lesson in English class. TOEFL to snatch at four aspect, there are :
1. Listening Comprehension
2. Structure and Written Expression
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Test Of Written English (TWE)
First aspect, Listening Comprehension, the number of question was 50 grain. There was participant of TOEFL test would capable tested to pay good attentiontwo person conversation, two or three person conversation, and dialoque or lecture.
Second aspect, Structure and Written Coprehension, the number tested would capable tested standart of English structure as far as could to good arranged of science report. Third aspect, Reading Comprehension, the number of question was 50 grain for tested capable reseptive for someone, understood, and relized contain relited for time the limit. The last aspect, Test Of Written English (TWE), the question only one question that time the limit was 30 minutes. Sutrisno (2003:4), there are three kinds TOEFL test are Interbational TOEFL test was Institutional test and TOEFL Like-test. Different both of two kinds TOEFL above are question of Internationls TOEFL always new for each performnace, precisely question of Institutional test and TOEFL Like-test sourced of questions several to year ago from International TOEFL test.
Based of paired there are two kinds TOEFL are paper-based TOEFL test and computer –based TOEFL test, First of kinds was tested that tasked on the paper and the second tested that tasked to used computer. Both scorer of two kinds test are valid. In Indonesia,cities that to perform computer-based testing are Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan. Perid of TOEFL test was different. For International TOEFL test was two yaers period that could accepted all university in the world. For Institutional TOEFL only six month period, cost of study more lower, could not to used apply to go country. TOEFL like-test could not to used apply to go country university, to complete condition university in Indonesia. Substantion tested in paper-based TOEFL test and computer-based TOEFL test as not same.
In first, Test of Written English (TWE) sometimes not tested, but in second test of Written English (TWE) sometimes tested. According to computer based TOEFL test, question of Listening Comprehension have adaptive characteristic, this was complicated question definited of ability someone for asked question number one with true. The meaning of that sentence was wheather someone or particiipant TOEFL test could not asked question number one with true. So, computer would precipate or choosing question numebr two with complicated degree which more easy. On other hand, wheather participant could asked question with true, so the next question would more complicated. One of aspect which tested in TOEFL test was Structure and Written Expression. Purposed was for test capability of formal English structure for candidate of participant test.
According capability structure which enough candidate of participant test hope could written expression, such as paper, work reprt, and the and of task suitable with standart. Other that, participant of TOEFL test hope could have capability of to pay good attention at S2 and S3 educate, productive of capability such as presentation of research result, paper, and poetry of science at S2 and S3 university in Indonesia. To get tall TOEFL score, someone shall strongly gain control english language excellently. It happens since:
1. TOEFL'S problem is made with tall handicap zoom
2. Workmanship time essays really circumscribed
Thus, we need to unlimber with every consideration, which is studies one of aspect whatever available in essays TOEFL, which is Structure and Written Expression.
Selasa, 05 April 2011
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